Nu Alpha Gamma’s innocent festivities now seem distant

Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter members at the December holiday party meeting included, clockwise from front left, Maureen Becker, Mari Butler-Abry, Barb Burket, Roxie Schwartz, JoAnn Harmelink, Cathy Clark, Darlene Pitsenbarger, Marilyn Lynch, Marlene Johnson, Deb Irving, Paula Thomson, Myrna Griffith, Sue Leslie and Sharon Ulrich. Photo courtesy Nu Alpha Gamma

Nu Alpha Gamma members exchanging gift books are, front row from left, Roxy Schwartz, JoAnn Harmelink, Cathy Clark and Darlene Pitsenbarger; back row from left, Barb Burket, Mari Butler-Abry, Sharon Ulrich, Sue Leslie, Maureen Becker, Paula Thomson, Myrna Griffith and Deb Irving. Photo courtesy Nu Alpha Gamma

Before January’s tragic events at the Perry High School, the teacher-members of Nu Alpha Gamma shared a holiday gathering at the Hotel Pattee.

“A book is a gift you can open again and again,” according to humorist Garrison Keillor, and the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International embraced that idea at a book-themed Christmas party at their December meeting.

Members answered roll call with their favorite author, and later played “Guess the Christmas Carol,” with winning teams receiving a Christmas book of their choice.

Following the business meeting, a gift exchange consisting of a wrapped book was conducted, following clues given by Nu Alpha Gamma Program Chair Marlene Johnson.

In an era that seems now sadly remote, lots of good-hearted fun was shared as members tried to follow directions for the exchange. Christmas carols were sung at the conclusion of the meeting.

Nu Alpha Gamma is the local chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International for women educators.

Marlene Johnson is the program chairperson of the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter.


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