Omaha couple finds lingering traces of friend’s Perry history

Katherine and David Braunlich of Omaha visited the old McTigue and Sons Hardware building during their recent day trip to Perry.

From its old railroad remnants to its new fire museum, Perry is known for its landmarks and pieces of history that bring out-of-towners here to observe and learn. But what else brings visitors to Perry? Recommendations? Old friends? Old businesses?

David and Katherine Braunlich traveled to Perry from their home in Omaha for a one-day visit last week. They said visiting Perry has been on their bucket list for about five years. The Braunlichs shared their story with

“We intended on coming to Perry today as a day trip,” Katherine said. “We wanted to see the Hotel Pattee, of course, tour their rooms and have lunch in their diner, but mostly we came to see where my friend’s late husband used to work.”

Katherine is friends with Mary Ann MacDonald McTigue from Mishawaka, Ind. She is the widow of Steve McTigue, formerly of Perry.

Katherine was excited to take a picture in front of the old McTigue and Sons Hardware building on the southeast corner of Willis Avenue and Second Street. Steve McTigue worked at the hardware store after serving in World War ll, Katherine said.

The building at 1024 Second St. is now occupied by the law firm of Spellman, Spellman, Spellman, Spellman, Kealhofer and Spellman.

“I can’t believe this building is still here,” Katherine said. “Mary Ann will be so happy.”

Steve McTigue also worked at the Valley American Bank in South Bend, Ind., along with David Braunlich.

Katherine said she and David were also able to get a picture of the McTigues’ former home at 2109 Otley Ave., and David called a realtor and got the name and phone number of the people living there now.  They even got a picture of St. Patrick’s School, which Mary Ann attended.

“You never know where people’s paths may cross,” Katherine said. “It’s such a small world once you start asking people about where they’ve lived or gone to school or met and, of course, what brought them to good old Perry.”

“This was a lovely way to spend our afternoon,” David said. “Nice trip and nice people. Everybody here is so pleasant.”

Planning on visiting Perry from out of town? Want to share your reasons for coming? We would love to meet you. Please drop us a line at, and we will feature your story right here.


  1. Thanks for the article. Our friends will enjoy reading it. There are a couple of corrections, but doubt that it would be necessary to print them in the paper. Steve McTigue did work at the Valley American Bank in South Bend, Indiana, with David, not Steve’s dad, and Katherine is spelled incorrectly in one of the paragraphs. WE did live in Indiana for quite some time, but have lived in Omaha for about 7 years. Lovely meeting both of you. It was a great day.


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