Panther girls take part in Blue Devil Relays

Some of the Panorama girls who won their third WCAC title in the last four years pose after Thursday's meet. Kneeling are Olivia Steffen, Gwen Steffen, Shey Storesund, Payton Beckman and Angel Poldberg. Standing are Payton Douglass, Lydia Lindstrom, Kassidy Bremer, Morgan Johnk, Bailey Beckman, Brooklyn Behrends, Hope Arganbright and Abbi Brown. Not pictured are Jordan Brown, Leah Fett, Lydia Knapp, Ella Waddle and Claire Woodworth. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Carrico.

MARTENSDALE — The Panorama girls track team changed up some events while leaving others open while participating at the Martensdale-St. Marys meet Monday.

Van Meter won the meet with 136 points, with Madrid second at 110 while Panorama still managed to accumulate 101 points. Pleasantville was fourth at 87, with Interstate-35 (79), M-SM (74), West Central Valley (54), Earlham (41) and Colo-NESCO (38) completing the field.

Bailey Beckman was second and Shey Storesund third in the long jump at 15 feet, 10-1/2 inches and 15’6-1/4, respectively while Claire Woodworth placed third in the discus (99’7) and fourth in the shot put (33’3-3/4).

Hope Arganbright won the 100 in 13.43 seconds, with Lydia Lindstrom third in the 100 hurdles in 18.39 and Leah Fett fifth in the 400 in 1:13.27. Jordan Brown competed in the 800 (3:11.12) and Fett in the 1500 (6:42.67).

Storesund, Lindstrom, Abbi Brown and Morgan Johnk won the shuttle hurdle in 1:09.13, Lindstrom, Payton Beckman, Brooklyn Behrends and Olivia Steffen won the 4×400 in 4:21.53 while Bailey Beckman, Kassidy Bremer and Olivia and Gwen Steffen claimed first in the distance medley in 4:32.46.

The sprint medley of Arganbright, Bremer and the Steffen twins were second in 1:56.8, with Payton Beckman, Behrends, Fett and Jordan Brown third in the 4×800 in 11:43.54.

Bailey Beckman, Arganbright, Bremer and Johnk were third in the 4×100 (52.5), with Arganbright, Abbi Brown, Payton Beckman and Gwen Steffen third in the 4×200 (1:54.5).

Panorama hosts a state qualifying meet Thursday, with each event sending the first two finishers to Des Moines. The final eight spots in each event will come from the final results at all 2A qualifying meets.


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