Perry Chamber, PHS Juniors split Bucket Brigade donations

Perry Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lynsi Pasutti, left, presents the Bucket Brigade proceeds to PHS juniors, from left, Rebeca Cacheo, Jose Vargas, Keegan Snyder, Callie Steva, Sydney Barkley and Kassidy Atwell. Photo courtesy Perry Chamber of Commerce

The Perry Chamber of Commerce shared the proceeds from the annual Fireworks Bucket Brigade Wednesday with the Perry High School Junior Class in gratitude for the juniors’ help during the Fourth of July parade.

Donations to the Bucket Brigade were split 50/50, with $713.26 going to the Chamber’s 2023 Fireworks Drive and an equal portion funding the Class of 2024 for their 2023 After Prom events.

A check was presented to six members of the Perry High School Junior Class — Kassidy Atwell, Sydney Barkley, Rebeca Cacheo, Keegan Snyder, Callie Steva and Jose Vargas — by Lynsi Pasutti, executive director of the Perry Chamber of Commerce.

“The Perry Chamber of Commerce would like to thank everyone who donated during the Fourth of July Parade Bucket Brigade,” Pasutti said, “and we wish the Junior Class best of luck as they continue to fundraise throughout the year for their After Prom.”

For more information, contact the Perry Chamber of Commerce at 515-465-4601.


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