Perry Chamber’s Wilson promotes business, community bonds

Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bob Wilson, right, was welcomed by 13-year Perry Kiwanis Club member Terry Carmichael to the club's Oct. 11 meeting. Photo by Perry Kiwanis Club Secretary Doug Wood

Anyone can see what a large and positive impact the Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce has on the city of Perry, its people and its commercial classes.

Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bob Wilson was welcomed to the weekly meeting of the Perry Kiwanis Oct. 11, and he discussed many upcoming events planned for the community and detailed some projects recently completed.

Wilson said the annual Spook-tacular Halloween event will take place Friday, Oct. 28 in the business district on Second Street from 4-6 p.m. The Dallas County Hospital will also host its Safe and Healthy Halloween from 5-7 p.m. at the hospital, he said.

Wilson said these events bring out several thousand area residents, particularly the children, and provide a safe environment for families to enjoy. The Community Trick or Treat will also be Friday evening from 6-8 p.m.

The Chamber’s annual Election Day Chili Feed will be held Tuesday, Nov. 8 at the McCreary Community Building from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. This annual event, offering all-you-can-eat chili and potato soup plus homemade pie — is a major fundraiser for the Chamber, Wilson said.

The Chamber scored a huge success with its sponsorship this fall of the Perry High School Homecoming Parade, held for the first time since 2005. The event brought together the entire community and the schools in amity and fellowship. The cookout after the parade also raised $600 for the PHS Junior Class.

Wilson also briefly discussed the tax abatement plan and the prospects for several new homes to be built in Perry. The Chamber plans to start a Perry Welcome Wagon for new residents of the city and to give them a package of items and coupons to welcome them into the community, including lifetime free access to

Wilson next turned to the Big Bike now standing next to the Chamber Welcome booth at First and Willis avenues. He said it was made from items collected from many sources, including steel salvaged from the recently demolished old Hy-Vee.

Wilson closed with a few words about his hope for getting the bike trail completed between Perry and Woodward. If the Perry-to-Woodward portion could be completed, he said, a lot of people would come through Perry and benefit the town financially.

Perry’s commercial interests are in good hands under the stewardship of Wilson and the Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors: President Lee Coons, Vice President Chrissy Danger, Treasurer Susie Moorhead, Past President Samantha Smith and Directors Matt May, Kelsey Hughes, Pat Snyder, Jay Hartz, David Wright, Jenny Hornsby and
Misty VonBehren.

Wilson was welcomed to the club’s noon luncheon by 13-year Kiwanian Terry Carmichael.



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