Perry Elementary tabs Bluejay Leaders for October

First graders named Bluejay Leaders for October at Perry Elementary smile with their certificates. Front row, from left: Sarahi Chavez, Mariana Cerna, Gauge Freeman, Melissa Reyes and Hayden Rothfus. Back row, from left: Alexander Escalante, Jazmene Garcia, Adoni Silva, Stephanie Mena, Chris Tolle and Sofia Pineda. Not pitctured is Christopher Gomez. Photo submitted.

Students in all grades at Perry Elementary School can earn the honor of being named a “Bluejay Leader” by displaying respectful, responsible, and safe behavior. Principal Ned Menke recently shared the list of those honored for the month of October. All photos are submitted.

Second grade Bluejay Leaders for October were, front from left: Jesus Salazar, Autumn Villalobos, Bryan Chavez, Sherlin Sanchez and Oscar Panama. Back, from left: Renata Medina, Jude Stark, Francisco Panama, Adair Meyers and Evin Tlaceca.

Named as third grade Bluejay Leaders for October were, front from left: Alissa Atwell, Katelyn Brown, Andres Carrillo, Angie Orellana and Cate Erickson. Standing, from left: Jimmie Posadas, Dakota Hines, Abygale Steil, Michael Sexton and Alexis Rivera.

October’s fourth grade Bluejay Leaders pose for a photo. Kneeling, from left: Brandon Lopez, Jannai Chavez, Karagyn Whelchel, Alex Andres, Audrey Romero, Edwin Lopez and Valeria Medina. Back, from left: Helber Ramirez, Esteban Medina, Charity Parnell, Ayden Erickson and Israel Soto-Rojas.

Fifth grade Bluejay Leaders for October included, front row, from left: Isaiah Peterson, Galilea Melena, Dominic Rinner, Janelly Sanchez and Alex Frakes. Back row, from left: Adriana Baranco, Litsy Ramirez, Renzo Saenz, Anthony Menendez, Valentina Mion and Hunter Seiser. Not pictured is Addison Richardson.

Kindergaten students who earned Bluejay Leader honors in October proudly show off their certificates. Front, from left: Andrew Colon, Wendy Leanos, Valentina Medina, Pierce Menke, Lenyn Walton, Layne Modlin and Angela Gillen. Back, from left: Danna Contreras, Jayse Whelchel, Zoey Bautista-Espinoza, Alejandro Mendez, Delilah Coleman and Jacob Pieper.


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