Perry Kiwanis Club scholarship winners share college plans

PHS graduates and Perry Kiwanis Club scholarship winners Isabel Saemisch, right, and Luke Rathje, center, shared their college plans with Kiwanian Kendall Rathe, left, and the Kiwanis membership at a recent meeting. Photo courtesy Kiwanis Club Secretary Doug Wood

The Perry Kiwanis Club recently gave out four $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors. Two of these recipients came to discuss their future plans at a recent Perry Kiwanis noon luncheon meeting.

PHS graduate Isabel Saemisch is the daughter of Perry Kiwanian Larry Saemish and Ellie Saemisch. The scholarship winner said she plans to attend Iowa State University and major in kinesiology. Saemisch considered a nursing career and took a DMACC course but after spening time around PHS athletic trainer Clint Lutterman and the high school sports scene, she developed an interest in kinesiology.

Scholarship winner Luke Rathje is the son of Kiwanian Kendall Rathje and Amy Rathjie. The PHS grad said he will also attend Iowa State University. He joked that this was determined for him by his parents since his before his birth 18 years ago. He said he plans to major in entrepreneurship.

Both Saemisch and Rathje have been involved in several school-related clubs and in several sports. Rathje also the Bluejay Congress president and spoke at commencement exercises last Sunday.

Also receiving Perry Kiwanis Clubs scholarships were graduating seniors Reese Dunlap and German Alverenga.  Dunlap plans to attend Grandview College, and Alverenga will become a University of Northern Iowa Panther.

Welcoming the scholarship recipients was 20-year Kiwanian and Past Treasurer Kendall Rathje.


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