Perry Lions Club takes pride in Perry history

Perry Lions Club President Roger Niemeyer, left, presents a donation to Hometown Heritage President Bill Clark to assist the organization in preserving and celebrating Perry's history and culture. Photo courtesy Perry Lions

Bill Clark, president of Hometown Heritage, was the guest speaker at the November meeting of the Perry Lions Club.

Clark told the Lions about the programs given by the organization and the preservation of Perry’s history. He listed the five major areas in which Hometown Heritage is preserving a part of our town’s past:

  1. Education
  2. Family
  3. Work
  4. Faith
  5. Loss

In order to preserve these stories, the organization has more than 15,000 photos and 657 recorded oral histories about Perry.

Clark pointed out the last Hometown Heritage event to celebrate Perry’s history was in September, when two of Perry’s citizens and former educators, Alan Hall and Eleanore Wojon, were honored when their relief sculptures were placed on the Wall of Witnesses in Sumas Court. More than 150 people attended the ceremony

Clark encouraged everyone to look up the organization on the internet and learn more about the history of Perry and Hometown Heritage.

In other business, the Perry Lions Club made a donation of $400 dollars to Hometown Heritage and the Fullhart/Carnegie Charitable Trust. They also made a donation of $250 dollars to the “Toys For Perry” program, co-chaired by Lion John Andorf and Linda Andorf.

Last year’s Toys for Tots gave Christmas gifts to 270 children in the Perry community.

Longtime Lions Club member Jim McCauley was awarded two Key Memberships from the state Lions Club office. The awards were for his recruitment of two new members to the Perry Lions Club.


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