Perry third graders score ‘Goal!’ in Thursday concert

The Perry Elementary Third Grade performed "Goal!" for their winter concert at the Perry Performing Arts Center Thursday.

The 124 students from the Perry Elementary Third Grade hosted their winter concert at the Perry Performing Arts Center Thursday.

A combination of narrative storytelling and singing, the seven-number piece written by John Jacobson and John Higgins was titled “Goal!” and revolved around soccer, known as “The Beautiful Game.”

In the performance, students are introduced to soccer, known throughout the rest of the world as “football.” Brazilian great Pele once referred to futbol as “The Beautiful Game” the students are told.

Songs enthusiastically delivered included “Goal” and “Awesome” along with “Kick It!” and “El Juego Bonito (The Beautiful Game).” While being introduced to the game and sportsmanship, students learn “It’s Not If You Win” followed by a reprise of “Goal.”

Students were directed by Shaylena Bell and Devin Schroeder, with Karina Perez, Karagyn Whelchel, Michael Schell and Isabella Ramirez having roles as Kick-It Soloists.




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