PHS, Central College grad starts pharmacy program at Iowa

Kirsten Carstartphen of Perry has started a four-year program in the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy leading to a Master's of Public Health degree and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. She graduated from PHS in 2010.

Kirsten Carstarphen of Iowa City, Perry High School Class of 2010 graduate, went through a White Coat ceremony recently, marking her admission to a doctoral program in the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy.

Carstarphen double majored in biology and biochemistry at Central College in Pella, graduating with a bachelor of science degree in 2014. She then received a year’s internship training as a laboratory technician at the Eurofins Nutrition Analysis Center in Des Moines and as senior pharmacy technician at a Walgreens Pharmacy in Iowa City, where she still works.

With a IU Pharm.D./M.P.H. joint degree, Carstarphen will find job opportunities in public and private hospitals and clinics, insurance companies and managed-care organizations, academia and in various public agencies of the local, county, state or federal government.

Carstarphen is the eldest child of Chris and Penny Carstarphen of Perry. She was joined at the White Coat ceremony in Iowa City Aug. 20 by her parents and brothers, Kaleb, 19, and Khyler, 13.

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