Pizza Hut reports brisk business on first day

Manager David Brockman (right) and the Perry Pizza Hut crew were bombarded with carry-out and delivery orders Tuesday during their grand reopening, to say nothing of having dining room full of patrons, many of whom hungrily attacked the buffet stations.

The dining room was filled to capacity, the phones rang as soon as one call was ended, online sales were being received, a steady stream of carry-out customers arrived to pick up their orders and the delivery drivers may as well have been on a carousel.

The dining room was packed Tuesday on the first day of business for the newly reopened Perry Pizza Hut.
The dining room was packed Tuesday on the first day of business for the newly reopened Perry Pizza Hut.

Such was the scene at the Perry Pizza Hut at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday during the first day of the reopening of the local eatery.

Tuesday evenings also happen to be a buffet night at the restaurant, and a full kitchen crew had their hands full keeping pace.

Two Mercedes Smart cars serve as the delivery fleet for the local Pizza Hut.
Two Mercedes Smart cars serve as the delivery fleet for the local Pizza Hut.

“We have had 20 deliveries just in the past hour or so,” manager David Brockman said between sliding pizzas into boxes. “Wings, P-Zone’s, pizzas — they are just flying out of here.”

Based on the pace orders were being addressed, the first dinner rush of the reopening looked — and smelled — like a success.



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