W-G AD Eichhorn earns special recognition

Woodward-Granger Activities Director Matt Eichhorn and wife Ashley pose with daughter Emree and son Easton. Eichhorn recently earned certification by the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. Photo submitted.

WOODWARD — Matt Eichhorn, activities director at Woodward-Granger, has been recognized by the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association as a certified athletic administrator.[wpedon id=”85410″ align=”left”]

The certification verifies that Eichhorn has “demonstrated the highest level of knowledge and expertise in the field of interscholastic athletic administration.”

The voluntary process includes an in-depth analysis of the each candidate’s own education background and experience, along with professional contributions. In order to reach the elite status, each candidate must also pass what the NIAAA describes as a “rigorous, comprehensive written examination.”

The NIAAA is a national professional organization consisting of all 50 state athletic administrator associations and more than 10,000 individual members. It is dedicated to promoting the professional growth of high school athletic administrators and preserving the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and the place of these programs in the secondary school curriculum.


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