Woodward, Rippey dining events bring summer joy to table


It has been quite some time since I have written of my adventures in dining at area churches and events. If I remember correctly, my last articles talked about the end of the dinner season, which is big just before Thanksgiving.

In reality I seem to wonder if there is any real end to the so-called dinner season. Dinners and ice cream socials keep coming. I need to write another story about dinners since January, which started with Washington Township School.

Time gets by me and has even more so since I began my new job in Polk City. A half-hour each way turns into five hours by the end of the week. Also I can no longer stay up with Jeff Webster down here at Pegasus Studios until 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. when I have to get up at 6 a.m. I tried staying up working on a softball game until 1 a.m. and when I got up at 6 a.m., I felt like I had died.

Recently, there have been two dinner events that I believe start us on the ice cream social and beef burger season.

The first event was held at the Woodward Christian Church June 8. This was held in conjunction with Woodward’s annual Friends and Neighbors Days. That Friday evening they had a beef burger meal. I guess that you are not supposed to call them Maidrites© since that is a copyrighted name.

Madonna from the Woodward Christian Church always calls me to tell me about their dinners. I need to find out Madonna’s last name and take a picture of her the next time I write a story. She always is working in the front, taking in the donations for the event.

At this evening event, the church basement was packed. They served beef burgers, green beans, potato salad, dessert and a choice of beverages. Before I went into the church, I saw someone was selling chances on cow chip bingo for 4-H, I believe. I bought a chance for $10 to win $500. The cow must not have dropped on my number.

This dinner was held in conjunction with the Friends and Neighbor Days, and funds will be used for needs of the church and missions. Madonna thanked me when I left and told me that she would be calling me about their next meal in September. That is what you call small-town nice.

Dan Haymond could not attend because he had to do some work for his job out of town. I’ll have to tell you in another story about how all of the ladies at the Dexter dinners missed him when he was working out of town. You should have seen the joy explode from them when he was able to attend these dinners again.

The bad part is that I had to come back to Perry that evening so that I could pack to go to Vinton that night. My family was having a Mother’s Day/Parents Anniversary Dinner that we usually do the Saturday before Mother’s Day on the 10th. My brother and his daughter had a college visit the Saturday before Mother’s Day, so we have to change the day of the dinner. I got to Vinton around 9:30 p.m., and not long afterward we got a lot of rain.

The church that I grew up in now has evening services. So in the morning I attended services at the competing United Methodist Church in town and also visited the Presbyterian Church in Vinton.

My niece then had her high school graduation reception at 1 p.m. Sunday.

Rippey was having their annual June Ice Cream Social that evening. I have not missed one of those for over a decade, maybe even two decades. If I miss it, something bad in the world might occur. I left the reception around 3 p.m. and got back to Perry.

I then headed to Rippey and made the deadline for the ending of the event. They served beef burgers, homemade ice cream and pies and cakes. I sat by Margaret Den Beste and had a good visit.

Rippey hosts two ice cream socials each year. The next one is in September. It took me five years to figure this out. I kept thinking that the year sure rolls around fast.

The monies raised from this event are also used for church needs and various missions.

There are other ice cream social events coming up. Booneville should be next. Last year I missed it because I traveled to Europe. I did send a donation and received a thank you card. Minburn will also be coming up.

If you notice church and local dinners, make sure to support them. Otherwise, something bad in the world might occur.


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