Two young men at large from Woodward Academy Thursday night


Two males were reported missing from the Woodward Academy shortly before 7 p.m. Thursday.

One Hispanic male, dressed in a grey sweatshirt and black shorts, and one white male, dressed in a green shirt and blue jeans, were seen traveling on foot toward town, according to public safety radio traffic.

Local law enforcement is responding at this hour. will update this story as information becomes available.


  1. Why do we never get a real description of these runaways? So, every Hispanic male wearing a grey hoodie while wearing blue jeans is now to be suspected until the notification (that comes occasionally) that they are back? How about a photo? A name perhaps? Is that too much to ask? They are not there because they handed in their homework late one time too often. They are there because they are too dangerous to be on probation at home, yet we are now asked to suspect everyone around Perry that we don’t know because now we are to be wary of every Hispanic in a “grey sweatshirt and blue jeans,” something I have a closet full of.


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