‘Breaking’ news in downtown Perry cannot shatter BRR mood

A plate glass display window in the Betsy Peterson Design studio in downtown Perry was shattered Saturday about 2 p.m. through an unknown cause. The Perry Police Department is investigating the incident.

Perry Police Department Officer Wayne Schuttler kept passersby well away from the breakage at 1121 Second St., where a plate glass display window was broken Saturday afternoon.
Perry Police Department Officer Wayne Schuttler kept passersby well away from the breakage at 1121 Second St., where a plate glass display window was broken Saturday afternoon.

Something shattered a plate glass window Saturday about 2 p.m. at the Betsy Peterson Designs studio and gallery at 1121 Second St. in downtown Perry.

Perry Police Department Office Wayne Schuttler kept passersby well away from the enormous shards still hanging from the large and largely empty frame facing Warford Street.

The cause of the breakage is unknown at this hour.

Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bob Wilson, flush with good feeling over this year’s record-breaking BRR Bike Ride to Rippey, looked for the up side to the destruction.

“I feel awful for a new downtown business to have this happen,” Wilson said. “I’m just glad no one was injured.”

ThePerryNews.com will update this story as information becomes available.

Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bob Wilson inspects the damage at 1121 Second St., the Betsy Peterson Design studio, where a plate glass window was broken.
Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bob Wilson inspects the damage at 1121 Second St., the Betsy Peterson Design studio, where a plate glass window was broken.



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