Three runaways at large from Woodward Academy Sunday


Three juvenile males are at large Sunday night after running away from the Woodward Academy in Woodward, according to communications of the Dallas County Sheriff’s office.

A Woodward resident reported seeing three boys running north from the high school football field about 6:40 p.m.

Two of the runaways are said to be African-American and one is white. All are reportedly wearing gray sweatpants. One is wearing a green sweatshirt, one a white sweatshirt and one a blue, according to reports.

Two of the boys are 17 years old, and the third is 16.

The Dallas County Sheriff’s office and Woodward Police Department are responding to the incident, and the Madrid Police Department and Boone County Sheriff’s office have been notified, according to radio traffic. will update this story as information becomes available.


  1. I don’t pass judgement much these days. Who knows what they’re running from? The problem is there really isn’t anywhere to run. Wherever you go, you take you. It’s far easier to outrun cop radios and helicopters than sadness and fear.


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