Perry school bond issue passes with 90 percent approval

Dallas County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Julia Helm, center, is joined by precinct poll workers in printing the vote tally in Tuesday's special election in the Perry Community School District.

Unofficial results from Tuesday’s special election in the Perry Community School District indicate the school bond referendum was approved by about 90 percent of district voters.

Of the 709 votes cast at the McCReary Community Building in Perry, 635 were yes votes or 89.56 percent, and 74 were no votes or 10.44 percent.

“This is a great day for Perry’s kids and the Perry schools,” said Paula Nelson of Perry, co-chair of the Vote Yes for Perry Kids Committee.

Dallas County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Julia Helm, who was present when the polls closed at 8 p.m., said about 25 absentee ballots were also cast in the special election.

It appears the margin of victory was large enough on election day to render the absentee totals moot, that is, the result would not change even if all absentee ballots were no votes.

The vote totals will not be made official until next week’s canvas by the Dallas County Board of Supervisors, Helm said. She estimated the voter turnout at about 14 percent.


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