Tuesday night fire alarm proves false at Spring Valley campus


Concerned consumers of services at the Spring Valley campus of the Perry Lutheran Home looked out their windows Tuesday night when a fire alarm broke the stillness of the summer night.
Concerned consumers of services at the Spring Valley campus of the Perry Lutheran Home looked out their windows Tuesday night when a fire alarm broke the stillness of the summer night.

A fire alarm was tripped about 10:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Spring Valley campus of the Perry Lutheran Home at 501 12th St. in Perry, triggering a quick response by the Perry Volunteer Fire Department.

Firefighters inspected the long-term care facility and concluded the alarm was false.

A Perry Lutheran Home spokesperson was not available for comment on the possible cause of the false alarm.

ThePerryNews.com will update this story as information becomes available.

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The Perry Volunteer Fire Department responds to a fire alarm at the Spring Valley campus of the Perry Lutheran Home about 10:45 p.m. Tuesday.


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