William Brew’s ID bracelet found almost 50 years ago

Brent waters of Perry found the ID bracelet almost 50 years ago and still holds it for its owner.

Brent Waters of Perry sent the following message to ThePerryNews, perhaps moved to action by our recent story about a long lost wedding band. Waters wrote:

When I was 7 years old, I found a sterling silver ID bracelet. The name on it is William Brew, and it has the number 716-89-87 on it.

I think I figured it out to be a U.S. Navy ID bracelet.

We used to live right across from Weise on Fifth and Bateman. The workers used to sit on our parking back then, around 1970. I found it 15 feet from where they could have been.

It also has scratched on the back 1946 or possibly ’41.

I was wondering if you could find him or a relative.

A photo of the bracelet was included. If you have information about this ID bracelet or its owner, contact Waters at iambrentwaters@gmail.com.

Brent waters of Perry found the ID bracelet almost 50 years ago and still holds it for its owner.


  1. Have you contacted the Dallas County Veteran’s Affairs? Perhaps they could help locate. I’m sure the family of William Brew would treasure it. Good luck!


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