Cruz rides to decisive win in Perry GOP caucusing

What quickly became an overflow crowd begins to gather in the Perry Elementary School cafeteria for Monday's GOP caucus.

Ted Cruz turned solid support among evangelical voters into a strong showing in Monday’s GOP caucuses held by Perry 1, Perry 2, Perry 3 and Spring Valley/Dallas at the Perry Elementary School.

A total of 305 votes were cast, with Cruz garnering 122 (40 percent) while Donald Trump was a distant second with 86 votes (28 percent). Marco Rubio finished third with 43 votes, or 14 percent of the total, one point below his numbers in recent statewide polling.

The official vote totals from Perry's Republican party caucus, held Monday evening at the Perry Elementary School.
The official vote totals from Perry’s Republican party caucus, held Monday evening at the Perry Elementary School.

Ben Carson placed fourth with 23 votes (8 percent) while the remaining candidates were far behind. Jeb Bush and Rand Paul each collected nine votes (three percent) while Mike Huckabee had seven votes (2 percent) with John Kasich having three votes, Rick Santorum two and Carly Fiorina one. No votes were cast for Chris Christie or Jim Gilmore.

The caucus began promptly at 7 p.m. with the overflow crowd spilling out of the PES cafeteria. Final vote totals were released at 8:10 p.m.


  1. Minor correction.
    There were 306 votes cast, including one write in for Jindahl. This was corrected before the votes were transmitted.


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